Thursday 9 July 2009

Home Education Sports Day 2009

MashaAllah, discovering new mums homeschooling their children has been an adventure in itself. So, with all the excitement of meeting them, we decided to organise a "Sports Day" event. Although, it was competitive - all muslims and muslimahs were encouraged to partake in all the events to boost their self-esteem.

We had the sack race, skipping, dribbling, the egg and spoon race followed by the relay which was cleverly devised to have all the children passing the batton to his brother/sister until the last one who brought it to the middle MashaAllah...

Followed by the obstacle course...

And an award ceremony.

As Muslims, we know that the end result is not in our control, it is our efforts that gain the pleasure of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala so it was all about the efforts of the little Muslims and Muslimahs who tried their best. Including the toddlers who took part in the mini tug of war and the ummis who broke the rope whilst doing the tug of war.
Certificates for ummis and toddlers
The day started off cloudy with a little shower here and there but we continued with the event as Allah Wills. Our smiles, unity and love for each other for Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala's sake kept us going. We soon began to realise that we could not allow the weather to dampen our spirits MashaAllah...

Visit to the farm

It has been a very busy time SubhanAllah, so much going on... Hence, I haven't had the time to post new stuff. So i am going to start with our visit to the farm last month. It began with the children being allowed to let off steam coming down the slide and compimentary drinks and ended with an ice-cream.

Animal Quackers was our destination on our adventure day out. They had alsorts of animals and the hospitality of the farmers was very welcoming. The children handled, and had the chance to feed the animals. Some were shy at first including the mums! But, after a little while - they got used to it.

Highlight of the event, well for me! was the owl swooping onto my arm to eat the baby chick SubhanAllah.

There were donkeys and horses to ride.

And baby bunnies to stroke.

The children got a chance to milk the hungry baby lambs, come face to face with cockroaches and tortoises and not to forget Hamish!! He's the dude on the left here...

The emus chased the children around the farmyard as they tried to eat the seeds from the bags.

Alhamdulillah, there were many smiles and funny things like mums running to the nearest bench trying to get away from the animals. Overall, a visit to the farm is a must for children and adults alike...